Thursday, February 23, 2006

the field trip

Well, today was the field trip. We had a cool bus that had really comfortable seats and guess what? They also and T.V.s! I went to a museum called !Explora! And I know how electricity works now. And I saw a machine that shot up electricity into two poles. We also went into the !Explora! museum's classroom and we learned about birds and how they survive,and then we we'nt home.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Today was a lucky day because I got in trouble a lot and got sent to the principal's for playing too rough in tag. And that's being lucky because the field trip was tomorrow and I still get to go. That's why I'm REALLY REALLY lucky.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

a long math lesson

Today was the most longest math lesson in the world. We talked about fractions. I know
that it does'nt sound very boring [maybe to you] but we talked so much that I could throw up. Well, that's because we were dividing Hersheys.

To be continued...

New Year's Resolution

January 1, 2006

This writing is Bleu’s. Don’t look.

Dear Journal,
Happy New Year. Time runs away so fast! I can’t believe that it is January 1, 2006! My goals for this year are being nicer than I am and keep my room clean every day! I know I can do that until 2007. I know I can.

P.S. I am the king of my room!

My poem for today is called

by Bleu Armendariz

It is 2006.
I have my room to fix.
My room is clean
and we worked as a team.
We have some work to do
but I don’t cry boo-hoo!
The day is over.
I slept like a clover.

The End.


This is Bleu's blog, a place for him to share his love of writing. Comments are appreciated, but keep in mind that he is in the third grade. Play nice!