Monday, December 11, 2006

good books!

Have you ever read a really good book? I have. I have read many good books. In fact i think i am reading something called Peter and the star catchers.I just wanted to tell you that don't stop reading.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Have you ever been on a trip? I know they are kind of boring. I have been on a lot before. if you go on a trip bring somthing you could do! dont bring to much stuff!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Life is Not FAIR!!

I know that life is not fair. Sometimes I feel like I am so mad that i will burst!Sorry to tell you this but get used to it!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Spreding Disease of Boredon

I am super bored! Thats why I am writing on my blog. Today was the same old day,going to scool,writing stories,reading books,same old thing. I think I better go before my my mom tells me to clean my room! Oh no here my mom comes! aaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Letter

I have sent a letter to my favorite comic book writers.There names are George Beard and Harald Huchins.They are the creaters of Captin Underpants or Super Diper Baby.I am sure you are familer with those comic books.On the letter I wrote to them if i could use there caracters for a band new comic.Well thats the info about what i did today!

Monday, July 24, 2006


Today I wrote in my blog because I am really bored.I am so sorry that I barely write in my blog any more. see you tomorrow.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Ariplane


I got an airplane. Of course it was a toy. So yesterday I went to my brother and sisters T/ball game.I played with my plane there. Then last night it broke. so the next morning I fixed it and gave it a try and it worked!!I was so happy.well thats all.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shelf cloud?


I saw this cloud outside and thought it looked like a shelf cloud that we learned about in science. But we didn't get a tornado. It just went away. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Henry's Room

Once there was a boy whose name was Henry. When he cleaned his room, his parents thought he did it right. But Henry had a little secret. He always stuffed everything under his bed. His parents never knew that because he was too smart to stuff everything under his bed.

One day when he was cleaning his room (stuffing stuff under the bed) his mom came in and said "Time for dinner." And then she gasped and said "Henry, what in tarnation are you doing?" Henry said "Cleaning my room." Henry's mom said "You're grounded for three months OH and clean up that room!"

Henry went outside into the garage to get shovels and rakes so he could shovel all the stuff out from under the bed. Whenever he got under there, there were mountains and mountains of clothes and stuffed animals and baby stuff. It was like a city of kids' five year old stuff. So, he went under there and started shoveling and shoveling. His mom hired scuba divers to shovel out the old wrinkled toy fish that he pushed in there that he had gotten for his birthday.

They got a backhoe to push all the stuff out of under the bed. Finally, they were almost done until they had a big problem. All the scuba divers and the backhoe vanished. It was too bad for them because they didn't get any money. Henry shoveled al the rest of the clothes and stuff out and put all the stuff away where it belonged. And he always cleaned his room right.

The End

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


"He, Maggie! Come on, we're going to be late for school."

"OK, I'm coming. I'm coming."

So, Maggie went to school with John and they got there right when the bell rang. Ring!! Ring!! The bell rang. John and Maggie got in their class. They had to write a report on whatever they were going to watch. They didn't know what they were foing to watch because the teacher didn't tell.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

for mom

Dear Mom, Happy Mother’s Day. You are the best mom in the world. Happy Mother’s Day! Here is a poem for the best mom. *arrow pointing down*

I, THE Bleu, will explain what makes love.
It’s cupid what love contains.
It reaches. Chocolate
Becomes flowers
And then turns into kisses.

Love, Bleu

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Dear Reader,
This story is so sad that you will start to cry. To avoid trying to cry, get a box of tissue. Caution. If you start to read a sad chapter, stop until the next day. If you don't you will cry!! Now we will get back to the story.

Once there was a mother and her daughter and her pa. They lived way back in the olden days. World War I was starting. And what to their luck, they were having the war right in the forest beside their house. Their duaghter was only eight years old. Her dad was going to the war to fight the British. Her dad had promised her he would come back alive.

Twelve years later, he didn't come back. She started to cry. Her mother said, "Don't worry. Don't cry, Emily." Her name was Emily. She was now twenty years old. It was really hard for her. World War II was coming up next month.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

For Beebo


Check this out!!! This is what we did today. You should come and visit! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006

There's a new sherrif in town!

Watch out, world! He's tough. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


We made this gooey stuff in class today. It is very sticky at first, but then if you put it in a plastic bag and let it dry a little bit it will not get sticky anymore. It will almost be like silly putty. My mom will type the recipe down below if you want to make it. CAUTION. If you stick your hand in the whole thing when you are in the middle of it, then your hands will get stuck and you can barely get your hand out!



1 rounded teaspoon 20 Mule Team Borax
8 oz white school glue
1 1/4 cup water
15 drops of food coloring (optional)


1. In a glass bowl, stir together 1 cup of water, the white glue and the coloring.
2. Dissolve all the borax powder in the remaining 1/4 cup water.
3. Add borax mixture to glue mix and stir until a slimy lump forms. Stir vigorously for another 30 seconds.
4. Remove the lump of slime and knead it with your hands to dry it and complete the reaction.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Oink, Oink!


Bleu is spending the night at his friend's house. This is a picture of their pig. The pig came to school yesterday and caused quite a sensation!


Bleu's Mom

Friday, March 10, 2006

The last day!

This is the last day of the CRT. I am so glad that it is ending today. [It ended yesterday, but I'm acting like I wrote this yesterday.] I finished every single thing in my CRT booklet. Everyone else has to do the rest that they did not finish. Lucky me because I get candy for nothing because we get candy when we are doing CRT.

P.S. Life is great with CANDY!

That's all, folks.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The last week.

Today is the last week for the big test. Next week will be catching up of what you didn't do on your CRT. I am so glad that the CRT is ending this week. I hope I will never have to take it again, but I do until college. I don't like the CRT because there is so much things that I do not know. Over the summer, I will be studying and studying so my teacher will get a good grade because she is getting graded on the CRT. So, all of us have to do a good job. That's it.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


It's been a week since the CRT started. If you don't know what that is, I'll tell you in the letter I'm about to write. The CRT lasts for two weeks, but the third week is make up day. Not makeup, makeup. Just doing what you missed in your booklet. The CRT is the worstest test in the whole entire world. I cannot stand taking one more section of writing, science, reading or ANYTHING. And that's a permanent statement! And that's all for today.

Thank you. Thank you very much, folks.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

the field trip

Well, today was the field trip. We had a cool bus that had really comfortable seats and guess what? They also and T.V.s! I went to a museum called !Explora! And I know how electricity works now. And I saw a machine that shot up electricity into two poles. We also went into the !Explora! museum's classroom and we learned about birds and how they survive,and then we we'nt home.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Today was a lucky day because I got in trouble a lot and got sent to the principal's for playing too rough in tag. And that's being lucky because the field trip was tomorrow and I still get to go. That's why I'm REALLY REALLY lucky.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

a long math lesson

Today was the most longest math lesson in the world. We talked about fractions. I know
that it does'nt sound very boring [maybe to you] but we talked so much that I could throw up. Well, that's because we were dividing Hersheys.

To be continued...

New Year's Resolution

January 1, 2006

This writing is Bleu’s. Don’t look.

Dear Journal,
Happy New Year. Time runs away so fast! I can’t believe that it is January 1, 2006! My goals for this year are being nicer than I am and keep my room clean every day! I know I can do that until 2007. I know I can.

P.S. I am the king of my room!

My poem for today is called

by Bleu Armendariz

It is 2006.
I have my room to fix.
My room is clean
and we worked as a team.
We have some work to do
but I don’t cry boo-hoo!
The day is over.
I slept like a clover.

The End.


This is Bleu's blog, a place for him to share his love of writing. Comments are appreciated, but keep in mind that he is in the third grade. Play nice!